Event Previous Forecast Actual
Feb, 21 00:30
PMI Composite
PMI Composite
Date: Feb, 21 00:30
Importance: Low
Previous: 51.1
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: Feb

An index level of 50 denotes no change since the previous month, while a level above 50 signals an increase or improvement, and below 50 indicates a decrease or deterioration.

51.1 - -
Feb, 21 07:00
Retail Sales With Auto Fuel
Retail Sales With Auto Fuel
Date: Feb, 21 07:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: -0.3%; 3.6%
Forecast: 0.3%
Actual: -
Period: Jan

Change in the total value of inflation-adjusted sales at the retail level with auto fuel. It's the primary gauge of consumer spending, which accounts for the majority of overall economic activity.

-0.3%; 3.6% 0.3% -
Feb, 21 07:00
Retail Sales Ex Auto Fuel
Retail Sales Ex Auto Fuel
Date: Feb, 21 07:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: -0.6%; 2.9%
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: Jan

A monthly measurement of all goods sold by retailers based on a sampling of retail stores of different types and sizes. The retail sales index is often taken as an indicator of consumer confidence.

-0.6%; 2.9% - -
Feb, 21 07:00
Public Sector Net Borrowing
Public Sector Net Borrowing
Date: Feb, 21 07:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 17.8
Forecast: -20.1
Actual: -
Period: Jan
In the U.K., the amount of expenditures less the total receipts taken in by the government. Public sector net borrowing is the measure of fiscal surpluses and deficits along with the amount of new debt created. If this number is positive, it means the U.K. is running a fiscal deficit, while a negative number represents a fiscal surplus.
17.8 -20.1 -
Feb, 21 08:15
PMI Manufacturing
PMI Manufacturing
Date: Feb, 21 08:15
Importance: Medium
Previous: 45.0
Forecast: 45.3
Actual: -
Period: Feb

A monthly guage of manufacturing activity and future outlook. The CIPS PMI is comparable to the US ISM survey, similarly based on the opinions of executives in manufacturing companies. Purchasing managers are tasked with gauging future demand, and adjusting orders for materials accordingly. The PMI summarizes the opinions of these executives to give a picture of the future of the manufacturing sector. A higher PMI indicates that materials purchases are increasing and that the economic outlook is positive. Alternately, a lower PMI means orders for materials are down and the future outlook is less favorable. By nature, the figure is very sensitive to the business cycle and tends to match growth or decline in the economy as a whole.

The PMI is presented as an index with a value between 1-100.

45.0 45.3 -