Date GMT+00:00 |
Event | Previous | Forecast | Actual | |||||||||||||||
Feb, 07 13:30 |
★★ |
Average Hourly Earnings
Average Hourly Earnings
An indicator of how the average level of pay is changing. The Average Hourly Earnings figure provides insight into future spending and inflation. A High Average Hourly Earnings bodes well for future consumption, as workers have more disposable income. High figures may indicate inflationary pressures due to employee's additional potential to spend. The figure is either measured in hourly or weekly averages or as a percent change from the previous month. |
0.3%; 3.9% | 0.3% | - | ||||||||||||||
Feb, 07 13:30 |
★ |
Participation rate
Participation rate
A measure of the active portion of an economy's labor force. The participation rate refers to the number of people who are either employed or are actively looking for work. The number of people who are no longer actively searching for work would not be included in the participation rate. During an economic recession, many workers often get discouraged and stop looking for employment, as a result, the participation rate decreases. The participation rate is an important metric to note when looking at unemployment data because unemployment figures reflect the number of people who are looking for jobs but are unable to secure employment. |
62.5% | - | - | ||||||||||||||
Feb, 07 13:30 |
★★★ |
Employment Change
Employment Change
Tracks the number of the employed in the country. A surge in new employment suggests higher spending potential and budding inflation pressures. |
90.9K | 26.5K | - | ||||||||||||||
Feb, 07 13:30 |
★★★ |
Unemployment Rate
Unemployment Rate
The percentage of individuals in the labor force who are without a job but actively seeking one. A higher Unemployment Rate is generally a drain on the economy. Not only does it mean that resources are not being fully utilized, but it also results in lower consumer spending as there are fewer workers receiving paychecks. Note: The unemployment rate generally moves slowly, so changes of only a few tenths of a percent are still considered significant. Also note that the unemployment rate does not account for discouraged workers. Therefore, in an economically depressed environment, such as that which occurred in Cold War era East Germany, the Unemployment Rate may not accurately reflect the extent of problems. |
6.7% | 6.8% | - | ||||||||||||||
Feb, 07 13:30 |
★★ |
Part Time Employment Change
Part Time Employment Change
modern award usually defines a part-time employee as an employee who is engaged to work less than an average of 38 ordinary hours per week and whose hours of work are reasonably predictable, with a guaranteed minimum number of hours of work. Work is usually performed on regular days of the week. A part-time employee will usually be entitled to the same employment conditions as a full-time employee, but on a pro rata basis compared to the full-time hours (usually 38 per week) prescribed under the applicable industrial instrument. |
57.5K; 33.5K | - | - |