Event Value
Sep, 11 22:30
Crude Oil Inventories
Crude Oil Inventories
Date: Sep, 11 22:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: -6873K
Forecast: 900K
Actual: -
Period: Sep

The actual inventories of crude oil, gasoline, and distillate, such as jet fuel, as reported on a weekly basis. The numbers are watched closely by the energy markets, and if the results differ greatly from the expected inventory levels, the market can react strongly. The inventory data can be skewed by holidays and seasonal factors. Weekly data can be unreliable and should be viewed as a part of longer-term trends, so a four-week moving average may be more useful.

Sep, 12 01:01
10-y Bond Auction
10-y Bond Auction
Date: Sep, 12 01:01
Importance: Low
Previous: 3.960%; 2.32
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: Sep
10-y Bond Auction is a leading market demand and profitability indicator. Profit falls compared to the previous auctions generally have a favourable influence on the currency.
3.960%; 2.32
Sep, 12 06:45
Food Price
Food Price
Date: Sep, 12 06:45
Importance: Low
Previous: 0.4%
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: Aug

Measures the price change of food and food services purchased by households. Higher food prices can result in economic slowdown because less disposable income will be used for non-food expenditures. Higher food prices can also result in inflation and signal future monetary action.

Higher domestic food prices may also suggest higher food prices internationally. New Zealand 's economy is largely based on producing and exporting agricultural goods and food products. Therefore, the Food Price Index can reflect demand for New Zealand products and for the New Zealand dollar. A higher reading may suggest a strengthening of the Dollar as foreigners pay relatively more for New Zealand 's exports.

The headline number is the percentage change in the index from the previous month.

Sep, 12 07:01
RICS House Price Balance
RICS House Price Balance
Date: Sep, 12 07:01
Importance: Low
Previous: -19%
Forecast: -14%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

Gauge for costs of homes in the United Kingdom. The figure is based on surveyors' opinions on the state of the market, calculated as is the percent of surveyors reporting a rise in prices minus those reporting a fall. A rise in house prices indicates a strong housing market, which generally reflects a strong overall economy.

Sep, 12 07:50
BSI Manufacturing Index
BSI Manufacturing Index
Date: Sep, 12 07:50
Importance: Medium
Previous: -1.0
Forecast: -2.5
Actual: -
Period: 3 quarter

Measures Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed large manufacturers. Above 0.0 indicates optimism, below indicates pessimism.

Sep, 12 07:50
Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index
Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index
Date: Sep, 12 07:50
Importance: Low
Previous: 0.3%; 3.0%
Forecast: 0.0%; 2.8%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

A Japanese index that measures the prices of goods created by firms at the producer and wholesaler level in Japan. The Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (CGPI) tracks changes in supply side prices within the Japanese economy. Changes in the CGPI often precede changes in the overall Consumer Price Index, as input values determine the overall retail values of the consumer goods. Thus, a large increase in the domestic CGPI will lead to a large increase in the overall CPI.

0.3%; 3.0%
Sep, 12 09:00
Consumer Inflation Expectation
Consumer Inflation Expectation
Date: Sep, 12 09:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: 4.5%
Forecast: 4.1%
Actual: -
Period: Sep

The percent by which, according to consumers expectations, the prices for goods and services will change over the next 12 months.

Sep, 12 14:00
Wholesale Price Index
Wholesale Price Index
Date: Sep, 12 14:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 0.3%; -0.1%
Forecast: 0.1%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

Measures changes in the prices paid by retailers for finished goods. Growth in wholesale prices usually precedes increases in retail prices, thus changes in Wholesale Prices can be used as an early indicator for inflation. While the CPI records price changes for retail goods, the WPI might pick up inflationary pressures before they reach the headline retail CPI report. The headline number is the percentage change in the index.

Note: WPI provides seasonally adjusted price changes to account for goods' seasonally volatility.

0.3%; -0.1%
Sep, 12 15:00
Date: Sep, 12 15:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 2.2%
Forecast: 2.2%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

Assesses changes in the cost of living by measuring changes in the prices of consumer items. The CPI is the headline inflation figure that indicates the strength of domestic inflationary pressures.

Sep, 12 16:00
Quarterly Unemployment Rate
Quarterly Unemployment Rate
Date: Sep, 12 16:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 7.2%
Forecast: 7.1%
Actual: -
Period: 2 quarter
his is the seasonally adjusted data (as most FF numbers are), not to be confused with the non-seasonally adjusted number reported by some news agencies. Tends to have a muted impact because there are several earlier indicators related to Eurozone labor conditions. Although it's generally viewed as a lagging indicator, the number of unemployed people is an important signal of overall economic health because consumer spending is highly correlated with labor-market conditions.
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