Event Value
Sep, 17 23:00
Westpac Consumer Confidence
Westpac Consumer Confidence
Date: Sep, 17 23:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 82.2
Forecast: 85.0
Actual: -
Period: 3 quarter

Officially called the Consumer Sentiment Index, this figure measures the level of consumer confidence and is an average of five indices measuring different aspects of consumer fiscal health. This is one of the few indicators that are entirely expectation-based. Households report their views on current buying conditions for household items and where they feel are the "wisest" places to invest savings. Views on future political policy (taxes, politicians, government) and economic conditions (wages, inflation, unemployment) are also surveyed.

Confidence figures are often leading indicators for the consumer spending and the economy as a whole. The headline figure is percentage change in the index value from that of the previous month.

Sep, 18 00:45
Current Account
Current Account
Date: Sep, 18 00:45
Importance: Low
Previous: -4.36
Forecast: -3.95
Actual: -
Period: 2 quarter

The Current Account index measures the difference in value between exported and imported goods, services and interest payments during the reported month. The goods portion is the same as the monthly Trade Balance figure. Because foreigners must buy the domestic currency to pay for the nation's exports the data can have a sizable affect on the NZD.

A higher than expected reading should be taken as positive/bullish for the NZD, while a lower than expected reading should be taken as negative/bearish for the NZD.

Sep, 18 01:50
Core Machinery Orders
Core Machinery Orders
Date: Sep, 18 01:50
Importance: Low
Previous: 2.1%; -1.7%
Forecast: 0.4%; -1.0%
Actual: -
Period: Jul

Japan machinery orders received from the private sector excluding volatile orders.

2.1%; -1.7%
Sep, 18 01:50
Trade Balance
Trade Balance
Date: Sep, 18 01:50
Importance: Low
Previous: -755.2bln; -621.8bln
Forecast: -960.0bln; -1380.0bln
Actual: -
Period: Aug

The difference between the total value of exports and the total value of imports. A positive figure indicates a trade surplus while a negative value represents a trade deficit. Because Japan 's economy is highly export-led, trade data can give critical insight into developments in Japan 's economy and changes into foreign exchange rates.

A surplus reflects capital flowing into Japan in exchange for Japanese exports, and a deficit means that capital is flowing out of Japan as imports are purchased in larger volumes by Japanese consumers. A trade surplus will act as an appreciating weight on the Yen, whereas a trade deficit will place downward pressure on the Yen's value.

Details in the Trade Balance report itself give useful insight into changing trends regarding Japanese trade. Such developments are especially important for the country, which is an export-oriented economy that has historically experienced large trade surpluses. Any affect on this could have dramatic affect on the domestic economy.

The headline figure for trade balance is expressed in millions of Yen and usually accompanied by a year-on-year percentage change figure.

-755.2bln; -621.8bln
Sep, 18 02:30
MI Leading Index
MI Leading Index
Date: Sep, 18 02:30
Importance: Low
Previous: 0.0%
Forecast: 0.0%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

A leading indicator for Australian economic activity calculated by Melbourne Institute.

Sep, 18 08:00
Consumer Price Index
Consumer Price Index
Date: Sep, 18 08:00
Importance: High
Previous: -0.2%; 2.2%
Forecast: 0.1%; 2.2%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the change in the price of goods and services from the perspective of the consumer. It is a key way to measure changes in purchasing trends and inflation.

A higher than expected reading should be taken as positive/bullish for the GBP, while a lower than expected reading should be taken as negative/bearish for the GBP.

-0.2%; 2.2%
Sep, 18 08:00
Consumer Price Index-Core
Consumer Price Index-Core
Date: Sep, 18 08:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: 3.3%
Forecast: 3.5%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

CPI assesses changes in the cost of living by measuring changes consumer pay for a set of items. CPI serves as the headline figure for inflation. Simply put, inflation reflects a decline in the purchasing power of the dollar, where each dollar buys fewer goods and services. In terms of measuring inflation, CPI is the most obvious way to quantify changes in purchasing power. The report tracks changes in the price of a basket of goods and services that a typical American household might purchase. An increase in the Consumer Price Index indicates that it takes more dollars to purchase the same set basket of basic consumer items.

Inflation is generally bad news for the economy, causing instability, uncertainty and hardship. To address inflation, the Fed may raise interest rates. However, the Fed relies on the PCE Deflator as its primary gauge of inflation because the CPI does not account for the ability of consumer to substitute out of CPI's set. Price changes tend to cause consumers to switch from buying one good to a less expensive-other, a tendency that the fixed-basket CPI figure does not yet account for. Given that the PCE Deflator is a more comprehensive calculation, based on changes in consumption; it is the figure the Fed prefers.

The figure is released monthly, as either a month over month annualized percentage change, or percentage change for the full year. The figure is seasonally adjusted to account seasonal consumption patterns.Inflation is generally bad news for the economy, causing instability, uncertainty and hardship. To address inflation, the Fed may raise interest rates. However, the Fed relies on the PCE Deflator as its primary gauge of inflation because the CPI does not account for the ability of consumer to substitute out of CPI's set. Price changes tend to cause consumers to switch from buying one good to a less expensive-other, a tendency that the fixed-basket CPI figure does not yet account for. Given that the PCE Deflator is a more comprehensive calculation, based on changes in consumption; it is the figure the Fed prefers.

The figure is released monthly, as either a month over month annualized percentage change, or percentage change for the full year. The figure is seasonally adjusted to account seasonal consumption patterns.

Sep, 18 08:00
Retail price index
Retail price index
Date: Sep, 18 08:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: 0.1%; 3.6%
Forecast: 0.1%; 3.4%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

In the United Kingdom, the Retail Prices Index or Retail Price Index (RPI) is a measure of inflation published monthly by the Office for National Statistics.

0.1%; 3.6%
Sep, 18 08:00
PPI Input
PPI Input
Date: Sep, 18 08:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: -0.1%; 0.4%
Forecast: -0.3%; -0.4%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

A monthly survey that measures change in input prices as incurred by UK manufacturers. Input prices include the cost of materials used plus operation costs of running the business. The index can be used as a measure of inflation, given that higher input costs will likely be passed on from producers to consumers in the form of higher retail prices.

The headline is the percentage change in the Producer Price Index (Input) from the previous quarter and previous year.

-0.1%; 0.4%
Sep, 18 08:00
PPI Output
PPI Output
Date: Sep, 18 08:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 0.0%; 0.8%
Forecast: 0.0%; 0.5%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

A monthly survey that measures the price changes of goods produced by UK manufacturers. The figure is also known as "Factory Gate Price" because it usually matches the price of goods when they first leave the factory. Increased prices in manufacturing typically lead to higher retail prices for consumers. However, it is also likely that higher output prices are caused by manufacturers charging a higher premium due to higher demand for their goods. Consequently, market trends in consumption should be considered with Output PPI to avoid data misinterpretation.

0.0%; 0.8%
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