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Jan, 16 12:30
ECB Monetary Policy Meeting Accounts
ECB Monetary Policy Meeting Accounts
Date: Jan, 16 12:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: -
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: Dec
The report is published 4 weeks after the ECB Monetary Policy Meeting takes place (8 times a year). It contains the texts of the ECB Governing Council members’ speeches on detailed assessments of economic conditions that influence the interest rates decision.
- - -
Jan, 16 13:15
Housing Starts
Housing Starts
Date: Jan, 16 13:15
Importance: Low
Previous: 262.443K
Forecast: 252.000K
Actual: -
Period: Dec

Reflects the rate of growth in housing construction. Housing Starts act as an indicator measuring the strength of Canada's construction sector and housing market. Economists also use the figure as a leading indicator for the economy as a whole due to Housing Starts' sensitivity to changes in the business cycle. Housing Starts slow at the onset of a recession and quickly grow at the beginning of an economic boom; consequently, a high Housing Starts figure forecasts strong economic growth.

The headline figure is the percentage change in new home starts.

262.443K 252.000K -
Jan, 16 13:30
Unemployment Claims
Unemployment Claims
Date: Jan, 16 13:30
Importance: High
Previous: 201K
Forecast: 210K
Actual: -
Period: Jan

The indicator shows the number of unemployed people in the USA.

201K 210K -
Jan, 16 13:30
Continuing Claims
Continuing Claims
Date: Jan, 16 13:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: 1867K
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: Jan

Continuing claims refers to unemployed workers that qualify for benefits under unemployment insurance. In order to be included in continuing claims, the person must have been covered by unemployment insurance and be currently receiving benefits. Data on unemployment claims is published by the Department of Labor on a weekly basis, allowing for frequent updates on the levels of unemployment.

1867K - -
Jan, 16 13:30
Retail Sales
Retail Sales
Date: Jan, 16 13:30
Importance: High
Previous: 0.7%; 0.2%
Forecast: 0.6%; 0.5%
Actual: -
Period: Dec

An aggregated measure of the sales of retail goods over a stated time period, typically based on a data sampling that is extrapolated to model an entire country. In the U.S., the retail sales report is a monthly economic indicator compiled and released by the Census Bureau and the Department of Commerce. The report covers the previous month, and is released about two weeks after the month-end. Comparisons are made against historical data; year-over-year comparisons are the most-reported metric because they account for the seasonality of consumer-based retail.

0.7%; 0.2% 0.6%; 0.5% -
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