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Jul, 26 18:00
Baker Hughes U.S. Rig Count
Baker Hughes U.S. Rig Count
Date: Jul, 26 18:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 586
Forecast: -
Actual: 589
Period: Jul
The Baker Hughes rig count is an important business barometer for the oil drilling industry. When drilling rigs are active they consume products and services produced by the oil service industry. The active rig count acts as a leading indicator of demand for oil products.
586 - 589
Jul, 26 15:00
UoM Inflation Expectations
UoM Inflation Expectations
Date: Jul, 26 15:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 2.9%; 2.9%
Forecast: 2.9%; 2.9%
Actual: 2.9%; 3.0%
Period: Jul
The Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index released by the University of Michigan is a survey of personal consumer confidence in economic activity. It shows a picture of whether or not consumers are willing to spend money. Generally speaking, a high reading anticipates positive (or bullish) for the USD, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish).
2.9%; 2.9% 2.9%; 2.9% 2.9%; 3.0%
Jul, 26 13:30
Personal Income
Personal Income
Date: Jul, 26 13:30
Importance: Low
Previous: 0.4%
Forecast: 0.4%
Actual: 0.2%
Period: Jun

Broad gauge of employee earnings in the US . Personal Income measures the pre-tax income households receive from employment, investments, and transfer payments. As wages and salaries make up the majority of Personal Income, the figure can provide insight on the US employment situation. However, because Personal Income is released after the headline employment figure and earnings figures, its impact on the market is muted. The figure is still useful in gauging the purchasing ability of consumers, though, as rising Personal Income allows for strong consumers spending. Such spending drives output growth and fuels the US economy.

0.4% 0.4% 0.2%
Jul, 26 13:30
Personal Spending
Personal Spending
Date: Jul, 26 13:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: 0.4%
Forecast: 0.3%
Actual: 0.3%
Period: Jun

Comprehensive measure of how much consumers spend each month, counting expenditures on durable goods, consumer products, and services. Personal Consumption is a comprehensive measure of GDP; consequently the figure is watched as an indicator for economic trends. Spending also has direct affect on inflationary pressures.

A healthy Personal Spending figure means that consumers are buying goods and services, fueling the economy and spurring output growth. The report is particularly valued for forecasting inflationary pressures. Taken in excess these high levels of consumption and production may lead to an overall increase in prices. Indeed, the Fed uses a measure of inflation derived from the PCE as their primary gauge of inflation.

On the other hand, persistently low Personal Spending may result in decreasing levels of output and an economic downturn.

Because income is either spent or saved, Personal Spending (when reported as a percent of income rather than the headline percent change) has an inverse relationship to personal saving. Economists watch the growth of Personal Spending in relation to income and saving to determine if consumers are living beyond their means, which would influence levels of borrowing and future consumption.

The PCE figure is released in headlines as a percent change from the previous month.

0.4% 0.3% 0.3%
Jul, 26 13:30
PCE Core
PCE Core
Date: Jul, 26 13:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: 0.1%; 2.6%
Forecast: 0.2%; 2.5%
Actual: 0.2%; 2.6%
Period: Jun

Comprehensive measure of how much consumers spend each month, counting expenditures on durable goods, consumer products, and services. Personal Consumption is a comprehensive measure of GDP; consequently the figure is watched as an indicator for economic trends. Spending also has direct affect on inflationary pressures.

A healthy Personal Spending figure means that consumers are buying goods and services, fueling the economy and spurring output growth. The report is particularly valued for forecasting inflationary pressures. Taken in excess these high levels of consumption and production may lead to an overall increase in prices. Indeed, the Fed uses a measure of inflation derived from the PCE as their primary gauge of inflation.

On the other hand, persistently low Personal Spending may result in decreasing levels of output and an economic downturn.

Because income is either spent or saved, Personal Spending (when reported as a percent of income rather than the headline percent change) has an inverse relationship to personal saving. Economists watch the growth of Personal Spending in relation to income and saving to determine if consumers are living beyond their means, which would influence levels of borrowing and future consumption.

The PCE figure is released in headlines as a percent change from the previous month.

Core Personal Consumption Expenditure
Volatile items like food and energy can fluctuate widely due to seasonal and non-systemic factors. In order to provide a less erratic picture of Personal Consumption, food and energy items are excluded in the PCE core report.

The headline figure of PCE is expressed in percentage change in spending for the quarter.

Note: The Personal Consumption Expenditure figure is reported with the Personal Income and Outlays figure.

0.1%; 2.6% 0.2%; 2.5% 0.2%; 2.6%
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